Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Brand New and Just For You!

Every once in a while something happens that gets us library nerds all a-twitter. We get NEW BOOKS. And how we love them...all shiny, spines unbroken, free from coffee stains and those faint pencil marks that you think we don't notice but we do.

In the last month, we've been bursting with happiness over the arrival of 100+ beautiful new books on a wide array of subjects. Below are a few I thought you'd find especially interesting:

Mechademia 1: Emerging worlds of Anime and Manga
Frenchy Lunning, Editor

From the back: "Mechademia 1 is a juicy compendium that casts a wide net over the worlds on manga and anime. It is a beautiful, lively book with something for the otaku in all of us."

I don't know what that means, but it seems pretty good.

The Cutting Edge of Wallpaper
Cigalle Hanaor, Editor

Stunningly beautiful photographs of the most amazing, crazy, hip, funky and downright trippy wallpaper you have ever seen. Also, I think there are words. The Eckles staff has spent some serious time flipping through this book.

Inside the Jihad: My Life with Al Qaeda (A Spy's Story)
Omar Nasiri

From the back: "A chillingly detailed portrait of life inside the Afghan training camps. Omar Nasiri's memoir offers a unique insider's perspective on the crucial years during which a loosely connected group of regional Islamist movements coalesced into Al Qaeda's global jihad."


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