Book Display: The Middle Ages
On display for your browsing pleasure are a few interesting and enlightening books about the Middle Ages. Many have asked why I chose this particular subject and I'll tell you - because the books have pretty covers. It had nothing to do with the fact that many facets of the Middle Ages (such as the rise of Islam and the founding of European universities) continue to effect us today.
Here are a few from the display that look pretty good:
PR1583.D6 2002
The touching tale of a hero who sets off to kill a monster and then has to take on his monster mama. Later on he kills a dragon too. That Beowulf was one bad dude.
Holy War: The crusades and their impact on today's world
Karen Armstrong
D157.A76 2001
From the back cover: "The Crusades becasme the stuff of romantic legend, but in reality they were a series of rabidly savage battles carried out in the name of Christian piety to advance the power of the Western Church. Their legacy of religious violence is felt today as the age-old conflict of Christians, Jews and Muslims persists."
Medieval Art
Veronica Sekules
N5970.S46 2001
Very pretty pictures.
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